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Investigators examined a link between rosacea severity and relative skeletal muscle mass.

Investigators observed benefits from ablative laser-assisted photodynamic therapy in patients with difficult-to-treat actinic keratoses, such as hyperkeratotic lesions, acral lesions, or actinic keratosisin organ transplant recipients.

The treatment is based on the Goeckerman regimen which dates back to the 1920s and involves applying coal tar to a patient's skin and exposing the skin to ultraviolet light.

Assuming blame for a medical error may help patients and families heal.

By 2030, robots will likely replace 800 million workers. Will physicians make the cut?

Stage at diagnosis is an independent risk factor for survival from mucosal melanoma, but tumor thickness and race/ethnicity are not, according to a new study.

By the year 2050, the US Census Bureau estimates that 50% of the population will comprise people of color; yet, nearly 50% of dermatology residents and dermatologists have indicated that they received inadequate training on skin conditions in this population.

Seborrheic keratoses (SKs) clearance with a topical solution of 40% hydrogen peroxide was highest among SKs on the face and lowest among SKs on the extremities.

Dupilumab, commonly used for eczema, may be effective for hair regrowth in patients with alopecia totalis and atopic dermatitis.

In patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who have failed to respond to apremilast therapy, etanercept may represent an effective therapeutic option.