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When it comes to skin care, a dermatologist is almost always sought after. Setting up an appointment with a skin doctor is often associated with facials, laser procedures, and chemical peels. Yet, you might be surprised to find out that dermatologists do more ...

In 2012, there were roughly 4 million Botox procedures done, making it the top non-surgical cosmetic procedure that year. Despite its popularity, we would like to emphasize to our clients here in our Miami dermatology practice that Botox is not for everyone. ...

Aside from wrinkles, other commonly obvious signs of aging include age spots, acne scars, and skin discoloration. Here at our Miami dermatology practice, we have helped men and women get rid of these aging problems through various chemical peels and ...

When it comes to removing unwanted hairs, laser hair removal is often the top choice in comparison to to other hair removal techniques. Here at our Miami dermatology practice, we get a lot of queries concerning hair removal via laser.  So are you an ideal ...

A recent article posted in The Huffington Post headlined “Can Popping Pimples Kill  You?” talked about the perils of one of the most common habits that people do when a pimple appears. Here at our Miami dermatology practice, we have always discouraged ...

According to the National Rosacea society, it is estimated that roughly 78 percent of Americans have rosacea, a skin condition which is mainly characterized by facial redness which consequently turn into tiny, red, and pus-filled bumps like that of acne. Here ...

Are you about to have a long haul flight? Before you declare that you’re ready for your plane ride, Dr. Crowell, a board-certified Miami dermatologist, recommends the following tips to avoid dry, flaky skin by the time you reach the other side of the world: ...

The cold winter months are just around the corner! Apart from flu and colds which tend to be nastier during the harsh cold parts of the year, dry, unhealthy skin is also common among men and women. Dr. Crowell, a board-certified Miami dermatologist, lists down ...

Skin cancer is the most common of all cancer types and is a malignant condition that begins with the growth of abnormal cells typically in the top layer of the skin. More than 3.5 million skin cancers are diagnosed each year on over one million people in the ...

When someone suffers from chronic, persistent acne, the first method they usually turn to are topical treatments. While these treatments certainly have a large place in treating pimples, the other half of the treatment often must come within – your own ...