(305) 274-0221


When you notice a wart beginning to form, most doctors will tell you to just leave it alone, it will resolve on its own. And for the most part this is true – but in some cases warts do not go away on their own. Not only that, but they can unsightly when they ...

Let’s face it, aging is one of those things in life that we do not completely look forward to. While you can say that you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with your partner, have you ever heard of someone say that they can’t wait to have ...

A combination of aging, sun exposure, and genetics influence the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and creases. However, your daily habits can also make you more prone to such signs of aging than the rest of the world. Take those lines around the mouth area ...

Many of our patients here at our Miami dermatology practice assume that their personal risk of getting skin cancer borders between low to average when we asked them during consultations because they think they’re dark-skinned or are too young to have the ...

Sensitive skin runs in families so it’s no wonder if an entire household has all of its members complaining of itchy, dry, and flaky skin. Apart from genetics, other factors that can exacerbate the symptoms of sensitive skin include one’s age, the weather, ...

The appearance of chapped, dry, and cracked lips is often associated with cold and harsh weather conditions. A quick fix via your favorite lip balm is frequently the standard advice for winter-proofing those soft and delicate lips. Yet recently here at our ...

It looks like there’s another reason for you to avoid your fast food favorites altogether. Apart from obesity, diabetes, and other lifestyle diseases, a large-scale study recently found an association between frequent fast food consumption and severe ...

We have all heard of the miraculous results from Botox for reducing fine lines and brow furrows but now recent studies have shown that Botox may have an additional use – relief from depression. A recent clinical trial study shows Botox injections can produce ...

Eyelash and eyebrow tinting is the process of changing the color of the eyebrows and eyelashes so that they match the patient’s hair color. This is extremely useful for patients who change their hair color several times and want to achieve a more natural ...

Face and eyebrow waxing is the process of removing unwanted hair from the face, or the eyebrows specifically. Removing facial hair is important for many people, men and women alike, who want to maintain a clear and hairless complexion. Facial waxing is able to ...