A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Fast Track designation to the investigational oral dual inhibitor, ASN002 (Asana BioSciences), for the treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis.
Os pesquisadores observaram que as reações alérgicas ao níquel aumentaram significativamente na última 20 anos.
Pesquisadores fornecer um resumo e análise de 2 rede recente meta-análise (NMA) studies that evaluated systemic therapies for moderate-to-severe psoriasis.
O Colégio Americano de Reumatologia e da Fundação Nacional de Psoríase lançaram 2018 joint recommendations for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis.
The ability of secukinumab vs placebo to clear nail psoriasis was evaluated using the Nail Psoriasis Severity Index.
As mulheres grávidas são consideradas um "vulnerável" população aos olhos dos pesquisadores clínicos.
Clinical morphologic testing in addition to tissue biopsy and culture are critical in distinguishing NND from NF and treating appropriately.
Investigators examined whether excessive food allergy testing in patients with atopic dermatitis might lead to food intolerance when certain foods are removed from the diet.
Investigators examined whether a reduction in titration rates utilized in earlier trials would reduce the incidence of DRESS in patients taking cenobamate.
Investigators evaluated the effect of ixekizumab withdrawal and retreatment in Japanese patients with plaque psoriasis in this single-arm open-label phase 3 estudo.