(305) 274-0221


Investigators evaluated the safety and effectiveness of conventional therapy with biologic immunosuppressive drugs to treat patients with HIV infection and psoriasis.

Os investigadores examinaram tolerabilidade, eficácia, and safety profile of topical antibacterial agent ozenoxacin in adults and children with impetigo.

Ao desviar as diretrizes publicadas, physicians must ensure their recommendations are based on justified belief, not personal bias.

O uso de dapsona pode ser eficaz como terapia adjuvante para pacientes com pioderma gangrenoso.

Gênero, era, and Breslow thickness are significant predictors for sentinel lymph node biopsy positivity in thin melanoma.

Em caso 1, 55-year-old man presents to the clinic with multiple tense bullae diffusely involving his trunk and extremities that overlie urticarial plaques. Em caso 2, 40-year-old African American man presented to the clinic with a few small flaccid blisters as ...

Os pesquisadores revisaram a precisão e características de ferramentas de teste de PSA com base no questionário.

Researchers are concerned that the increased focus on sexual harassment resulting from the #MeToo campaign may cause negative health outcomes.

A recent review found that existing psychosocial interventions using cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness-based approaches had a small but significant effect on quality of life and anxiety outcomes in patients with psoriasis.

Observation of moderately dysplastic nevi excisionally biopsied with positive histologic margins may be an effective management option.