Superficial radio therapy for non-melanoma skin cancer
Did you know? According to current estimates, 40-50% of Americans who live to age 65 will have skin cancer at least once.
If you have been diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer, SRT is a safe and effective non-surgical option for your treatment. We are pleased to offer our patients this latest technology to combat skin cancer.
Types of Skin Cancer
The two most common kinds of skin cancer are basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer. Basal cell cancer is a slow-growing cancer that seldom spreads to other parts of the body. Squamous cell cancer also rarely spreads, but it does so more often than basal cell cancer. However, it is important that skin cancers be found and treated early because they can invade and destroy nearby tissue.* Melanoma skin cancers still must be treated with specific procedures, such as MOHS.
Now there is a new, non-surgical device to safely, and effectively deliver fast, painless treatments for non-melanoma skin cancer. This state-of-the-art procedure treats the skin cancer with Cosmetically Superior results, meaning, no ugly scars or disfigurement. SRT-100 removes the skin cancer not your skin!
How it works?
Radiation is a very important tool in the fight against cancer. When radiation interacts with a cancerous cell, it alters the cell’s DNA (or genetic make-up) and its ability to reproduce, which ultimately leads to cell death in the cancerous tumor.
What is SRT?
Superficial Radiotherapy (SRT), a low-energy radiotherapy that penetrates only a short distance below the surface of the skin, is a highly effective, painless, and cosmetically attractive alternative to surgery in selected cancers and patient populations. The SRT-100™ is the new and most advanced choice for Superficial Radiotherapy available today, is painless, and very similar to having an x-ray.
Why Choose This Treatment?
The SRT-100™ treats non-melanoma skin cancers that are found on the surface of the skin. It can be used for lesions on the arms, legs, back and trunk, but it is especially well suited for skin cancers of the head and neck regions—the fold in the nose, eyelids, lips, corner of the mouth, and the lining of the ear—that would otherwise lead to a less than desirable cosmetic outcome. SRT is also a great treatment option for patients who are considered high risk for surgical procedures.
What Results Can I Expect?
The SRT procedure is non-surgical and does not require the use of anesthetics. You will be required to attend multiple sessions, depending on your doctor’s recommendations. The treatment is delivered by X-ray using an applicator cone over the lesion area. Treatments take approximately 90 seconds and are painless, but you will notice skin redness by the end of the first week’s treatment. Post treatment, the skin will form a protective scab, with new, healthy skin will developing underneath it.